Anarchy Online – Organisation Commands

Command summary – Organisation Leaders Only

/org create (name) *(name) is the name of the organisation.
This is the command to create an organisation. The requirements for using this command are:
You must be the leader of a full team.
All of the team members must be of the same side.
None of the team member can be part of another organisation.
The organisation will belong to the same side as all the members of the team(Omni-Tek, rebel or neutral), and the team leader becomes the organisation leader.
/org ranksLists all ranks available in the organisation. The maximum number of ranks in an organisation is 10.
/org history (text) *This command sets the history of the organisation, which is displayed when someone does a /org info.
/org objective (text) *This command sets the objective of the organisation, which is displayed when someone does a /org info.
/org description (text) *This command sets the description of the organisation, which is displayed when someone does a /org info.
/org name *This command sets the name of the organisation, which is displayed when someone does a /org info.
/org promote (target)There is no need to supply a level to promote to because promotions are one level at a time. The target will be informed about the promotion.
Two conditions must be met to allow promotion:
You must have someone from your own organisation targeted for this command to work.
You must have at least 1 level above the level you are promoting to. (The exception is the leader who can promote someone one level below himself to leader. The leader will lose leadership as the new leader is promoted.)
/org demote (target)This is the opposite of promote. The target will be informed of the demotion.
Two conditions must be met to allow demotion:
You can only demote someone who is at least one rank below you.
You must have someone from your own organisation targeted for this command to work.
/org info (target)When you do a /org info on a target, you will get the following information:
Organisation Name
Governing Form
If you and the targeted individual are part of the same organisation, you will see the organisation rank of the target. And if there is a vote going on, you will see some information about it (description, time left to vote, and the alternatives).
If you have yourself targeted, you will also get to see the organisational upkeep (upkeep cost / payment cost).
/org governingform (form) *Where (form) can be one of Department, Faction, Republic, Monarchy, Anarchism, and Feudalism.
/org kick (name of player)It is important that you can kick someone who is not targeted (offline, or in another playfield). Only the leader or someone 3 clan/faction levels above the target can kick them.
/org invite (target)Asks a player if he wants to join. There is currently no limit to the number of members an organisation can have.
The requirements for doing an /org invite are the following:
The targeted player must not be member of another organisation. (He must leave before he can join yours.)
The target player must be from the same side as the organisation. (Omni-Tek, rebels or neutral.)
The one inviting must be the leader of the organisation or 3 levels above the entry level of the new member.
The target will get a pop-up that ask "Do you wish to join (name of organisation)?" (yes/no). The character will be added only if he answers yes. All members will be informed that the character has entered the organisation.
/org leaveWhen this is typed, the character leaves the organisation. Everyone in the organisation will be notified about this.
/org disband *The leader can disband the entire organisation with this command. He will have to confirm the disbanding. When the organisation is disbanded, all members will be notified.
/org helpDisplays a list of the organisation commands.

Anarchy Online – Organisation Commands

Drop a comment if you know anymore commands that need to be added.

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