EverQuest 2 – Group / Guild / Raid Commands

Group and Raid Commands

/assist [Player name]You will target player name’s target
/disbandWill now disband the group member you have targeted. Ctrl + D
/follow [Player name]Follows your target
/inviteSame as radial "invite to group"
/invite [Player name]Will invite player name to yuor group Ctrl + I
/kickfromgroupSame as radial "kick from group"
/kickfromraidSame as radial "kick from raid"
/leavegroup, /leaveSame as radial "leave group"
/leaveraidSame as radial "leave raid"
/makeleader [Player name]Gives leadership of group to selected target or character
/raidinvite [Player name]Same as radial "invite to raid"
/target [name]Targets name

Guild Commands

/gu messageChat in guild channel
/gu or /guildsaySends message to all in guild channel
/guild create [Guild Name]Temporary method of guild creation
/guild inviteTarget a player in the same zone and invite them to join your guild. You must be an officer to do this.
/guild kickUsed by officers to remove people from a guild - might work to target yourself and kick too.
/guild motd messageAdds a message that all guild members will see when they log on
/guild points {add/subtract} {point value} {who} {comment}add or subtract points, valuse of points, player name, comments
/guild points view player namebring up a list containing any comments included with points changes.
/guild promoteUsed to promote people to full member and officer
/of messageChat in Officer Guild Channel; if you are an Officer
/officersay messageChat in Officer Guild Channel; if you are an Officer
/os messageChat in Officer Guild Channel; if you are an Officer
/who all guildLists whoever is on in guild at the moment


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