EverQuest – Leader officer Raid Commands

EverQuest Guild Leader Only

/guilddelete Disband their guild.
/guildinvite o  Invites a person to a guild with the officer flag enabled.  Must already be a member of the guild.
/guildleader Transfers guild leadership status to a new person.
/guildpeace Allows the guild leader to decline the challenge of a guild war.
/guildwar Allows the guild leader to challenge or accept another guild in guild war.


Guild Leader & Officers

/guildinvite  Invites a new guild member to the guild.
/guildmotd  Sets the guild Message of the Day.
/guildremove  Removes guild members from guild.


Raid Commands

/addraidlooter   Adds to raid loot list.  Note: only useable when /setloottype is set to 3.
/makeraidleader   Makes the leader of the raid.
/raidaccept  Joins a raid as a raid group leader.
/raiddecline  Declines an invite to a raid.
/raidinvite   Invites into a raid as a raid group leader.
/raidremove   Removes from raid.
/raidsay or /rsay  Text is seen by all members in your raid.
/raidwindow  Opens the raid window.
/removeraidlooter   Removes from raid loot list.
/rmarknpc (1, 2 or 3)Uses the Raid Mark NPC leadership ability, to mark 1, 2, or 3 NPCs depending on how many levels the Raid Leader has.
/setloottype (1, 2, or 3)  Sets the type of raid loot for a raid (1 - raid leader only, 2 - raid leader and group leaders, 3 - raid leader & selected people).


GoD/OoW Leader Commands

/dzaddplayer [Player name]Allows you to invite
/dzlisttimersLists any outstanding lockout (replay) timers for GoD/OoW expeditions.
/dzmakeleader [Player name]Makes the selected player the new GoD/OoW expedition leader.
/dzplayerlistLists all the players in the current GoD/OoW expedition.
/dzquitLeaves the current expedition.
/dzremoveplayer [Player name]Removes the selected player from the GoD/OoW expedition (can be used across zones).
/dzswapplayer [Player name1] [Player name2]Swaps 1 player for another in a GoD/OoW expedition, allows the new player to zone into the expedition and kicks the old player out.

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