All the targeting commands you will need to prove yourself in battle and around Town. Use on the chat windows with the \ commands
/action | |
/aggroline | Toggle the display of aggro lines. |
/assist | |
/autofacetarget | Automatically face target when using action. |
/autolockon | Automatically lock on target when initiating auto-attack. |
/autosheathe | Auto-sheathe weapon when not in battle. |
/autotarget | Enable auto-target when no target specified. |
/battleeffect | Used to toggle the rendering of battle effects. |
/battlemode | |
/battletarget | |
/chatlog | /chatlog call [chat channel] on |
/crosshotbar | |
/displayarms | Toggle the display of main and off hand weapons when sheathed. |
/displayhead | Toggle the display of head gear. |
/facetarget | |
/focustarget "PC name" | Makes the specified PC your focus target. |
/groundclick | Enable clicking on field to remove target. |
/hotbar | |
/hud | |
/linkline | |
/lockon, /lo [subcommand] | Lock on/off current target. |
/nexttarget, /nt | Toggle clockwise through on-screen PCs. |
/previoustarget, /pt | Toggle counter-clockwise through on-screen PCs. |
/target | |
/targetenemy | |
/targetlastenemy | |
/targetlastenemy, /tle | Re-target the last enemy you targeted. |
/targetlasttarget | |
/targetline | Toggle the display of target lines. |
/targetnpc | |
/targetpc | |
/targetring | Toggle the display target rings. |
/targetself | |
/tell sound | /tell sound on/off for the specified chat channel. |