Guild Wars 2 – Slash Commands

Guild Wars Slash Commands can be activated from the console window and also incorporated into macros or scripts for easy use and to help save to and help your game play run smoother.

/ageDisplays the time you have wasted playing Guild Wars 2, use with caution
/block or /ignoreprevent a player from contacting you in any way.
/deathsdisplays the number of times your character has died
/friend [name]add a player to your contact list.
/invite [name]invite a player to join your party.
/ipprints the IP address of the server.
/join [name]request to join a player's party.
/kick [name]vote to kick party member (requires a majority vote).
/leaveleave your current party.
/lfgflags you as "Looking for Group"
/mentorenable or disable a mentor tag.
/rankdrop a banner that will display your current PvP Rank
/reply /rReply to last message
/squadinviteinvite to squad. (Also available as /sqinvite.)
/squadjoin[commander_name] - join a commander's squad. (Also available as /sqjoin.)
/squadleaveleave your current squad. (Also available as /sqleave.)
/support or /bugopens the support panel.
/unblock or /unignoreremove a player from your block list.
/unfriend [name]remove player from your contact list.

Guild Wars 2 – Slash Commands