Guild Wars – Slash Commands

Guild Wars Slash Commands can be activated from the console window and also incorporated into macros or scripts for easy use and to help save to and help your game play run smoother.

Character Information

/ageDispalys the amount if time you have played Guild Wars
Use with Caution
/deathsDisplays the amount of time you have died
/healthHealth and Energy Status
/hpSame as Health


General Slash Commands

/bonusAccess any bonus item your account is registred for, such as special edition box purchaes of the game. Only works in an outpost or town.
/bonusitemsdisplays a complete list of bonus items unlocked for the account in your chat window.
/bugis used to send Guild Wars Support data from your local session
/cokeplayis for Korean players only. See Coke Item. For other players, it works like /bonus.
/favordisplays the length of time left before the Favor of the Gods expires, or displays how many more titles have to maximum rank before the world once again earns favor.
/helpopens the Help panel. Same functionality as the F10 key.
/invite invites the named character to your party. Only works in an outpost or town.
/ipdisplays the IP address of the server to which you are connected.
/kick kicks the named character out of your party. Only works in an outpost or town.
/leavecauses you to leave your party. Only works in an outpost or town.
/namepet changes the name of your pet. If used without a parameter, this will restore the default name of the animal.
/petname is the same as /namepet.
/preorderis the same as /bonusitems.
/report sends a report about the named character.
/reportsends a report about the currently targeted character.
/resigncauses a party to die and forfeit if all of its members use this command in PvP.
If all members of a party use this command in PvE, their party dies and the party leader receives the Return to Outpost button on his/her screen.
Doing this will not increase the death count displayed by /deaths.
/roll rolls a -sided die (2-100 sides). Only works in guild halls and outside of outposts and towns.
/specialcreates any special items (Broken Toy, Factions Collector's Edition Prize, Nightfall Collector's Edition Prize, and/or promotional miniatures) unlocked for the account in your character's inventory.
/stuckfrees your character if he/she becomes stuck. Any skill currently being activated is canceled.
/wikiopens the Main Page in your web browser.
/wiki searches the main space of this wiki for .


Chat Slash Commands

/asends a message to the local channel.
/gsends a message to the guild channel.
/psends a message to the team channel.
/t {character name}Send a private message direct to player
/tell {character name}Send a private message direct to player
/trade /trsends a message to the trade channel.
/w {character name}Send a private message direct to player
/whisper {character name}Send a private message direct to player