Planetside 2 – Commander Outfit Platoon and Squad Commands

Commander Commands

[/l] [/c] /leaderSend a message to other leaders (CR Cert and need to be squad leader)
/ordersSend a message to everyone in your empire on the current continent. (CR Cert and need to be squad leader)


Outfit Commands

/outfit invite {playername}Invites a player to your outfit if you have permission to do so.
[/outfit quit] /outfit leaveLeaves your outfit.


Platoon Commands

/platoon leaveRemoves your squad from the platoon if you're the squad leader. The squad remains open as a single squad.
/platoon kick {playername}Removes a squad with {playername} as the leader from the platoon if you're the platoon leader. The squad remains open as a single squad.
/platoon setsquadmember # {username}If you're the platoon leader, moves {username} to # squad. 0 = Alpha, 1 = Bravo, ect.
/platoon disbandDisbands your platoon if you're the platoon leader. All squads remain open as single squads.
/platoon invitesquad {squad owner playername}Platoon or squad leaders can use this to invite squads to either form or make you platoon bigger.(Keep in mind you cant do this if there are members in all 4 squads).


Squad Commands

/squad invite {playername}Invites another player to your squad.
/squad kick {playername}Kicks a player from your squad if you have permission to do so.
/squad setowner {playername}Allows you to promote a player to squad leader if you are leader.
/squad leaveRemoves you from your squad.
/squad disbandDisbands your squad if you are leader.


Planetside 2 – Commander Outfit Platoon and Squad Management Commands